Trading Tips

The Importance of Trading Your Own Strategy

The Importance of Trading Your Own Strategy

While the odds of becoming a successful day trader may be stacked against you, there are still thousands of day traders making a full-time living utilizing their own unique strategies. All of these strategies are different from each other, some varying drastically and...

3 Groups of People Who Will Help You Become a Better Trader

3 Groups of People Who Will Help You Become a Better Trader

Trading is an individual activity but that doesn't mean you need to be confined to solitude. At the end of the day, you are responsible for your own trades, however you can surround yourself with other people who will help improve your trading. As we know, psychology...

A Front Row Seat to 24 Epic Trading Desks

A Front Row Seat to 24 Epic Trading Desks

Stock traders spend a good portion of their days behind a trading desk, so it's only right that they have some solid setups. A lot of day traders have a different approach to their setups, just like a lot of them utilize different trading strategies. In chat, you get...

3 Things Every Serious Day Trader Should Do in the Morning

3 Things Every Serious Day Trader Should Do in the Morning

One of the things that draws people to day trading is the fact that you can do it on your own time from anywhere in the world. You don't have a boss, and the only person you have to report to is yourself. All you need is a computer, the right trading tools, and a...

The Importance of Finding Your Niche

The Importance of Finding Your Niche

There is no such thing as a "plug and play" day trading system. Period. Many traders come to the market looking for the elusive "fast track" to success. You know, the non-stop path to endless riches, luxurious vacations, and a life characterized by pure freedom. It...

When to Make the Leap to Full Time Day Trading

When to Make the Leap to Full Time Day Trading

There are plenty of day traders and swing traders out there, many of them engaging in the stock market at different levels. Some people utilize day trading for a living, while others just trade for a few hours a day to bring in some extra income. One of the questions...

10,000 Hours: Day Trading Success Doesn’t Happen Overnight

10,000 Hours: Day Trading Success Doesn’t Happen Overnight

Time and time again, we see new traders enter the markets trying to make a fortune overnight. These traders, fueled with ambition and high hopes, view day trading as a lottery ticket rather than a high-level skill that takes years to develop. This disposition alone is...

Sunday Mailbag: 40-Minute Day Trading Q&A Session

Sunday Mailbag: 40-Minute Day Trading Q&A Session

Early last week, we asked everyone to send in their questions about day trading. This is the second time we've done this kind of Q&A session. You can check out the previous one here. These are some wild times in the market and these sessions are designed to keep...

Where the Market’s Going and How We’ve Been Playing It

Where the Market’s Going and How We’ve Been Playing It

The market has been more volatile than we've seen in awhile. We had some of the biggest down days of the year followed by a nice bounce. Does this mean we are about to enter a bear market? No. Does this mean the bull market will continue? No. Simply put, no one really...

Volatile Times in the Market & My Best Day of the Year

Volatile Times in the Market & My Best Day of the Year

Today was my best day of the year. I was prepared, I focused on quality set ups and executed my trade plans.   We are in some very serious and...

What is a “stuff” move?

What is a “stuff” move?

One of the most popular questions I get where I have to repeat myself over and over again is, "What is a “stuff” move?" It’s not something that’s learned with one example and it’s not something that can be learned in one day. The concept is understood over time, much...

3 Ways to Simplify Decision Making in Day Trading

3 Ways to Simplify Decision Making in Day Trading

If you were to dissect the structure of the stock market, you'd see that it consists of billions and billions of numbers moving at fractions of seconds. This dynamic structure creates the price action and patterns that we look for as day traders. Of course, we know...

4 Ways to Become a More Organized Day Trader

4 Ways to Become a More Organized Day Trader

Organization is a huge part of becoming a successful day trader. There is so much going on in the markets at any given time and you can't pay attention to all of it. I've already discussed the importance of staying focused in another post, so now I'd like to focus on...

Consistency vs. Dollar Profits

Consistency vs. Dollar Profits

When new traders start exploring world of day trading, they are often inspired by the massive gains they see other traders share. Who wouldn't be enthused by the idea that you can make 5-6 figures in a single day? People tend to forget that these gains didn't just...

5 Ways to Improve Your Focus and Increase Your Profit Potential

5 Ways to Improve Your Focus and Increase Your Profit Potential

Understanding trading psychology plays a huge role in your success as a stock trader. After all, you are the driver of your success, so you need to understand how your mind works. One of the most important steps to long term trading success is getting organized and...

The 6 Most Costly Trading Mistakes I’ve Made

The 6 Most Costly Trading Mistakes I’ve Made

There is no such thing as a "perfect trader." Making mistakes in trading is inevitable. How you handle the mistakes is what separates successful traders from unsuccessful traders. There is nothing wrong with making mistakes, as long as you learn from them. The problem...