Sunday Scans

Video Scan: Stocks To Watch For July 22, 2024

Video Scan: Stocks To Watch For July 22, 2024

Hey everyone, welcome back to another Sunday Scan. We will recap what has been happening in the markets, and then later on, Stan will be joining us for the main watches for the upcoming week. The markets have been wildly active, and IU has been on fire with all kinds...

Video Scan: Stocks To Watch For July 15, 2024

Video Scan: Stocks To Watch For July 15, 2024

Absolutely insane turn of events this weekend. As you know, I don't discuss politics on Twitter or in the chat room, but I will say this - let's focus on unity. We get so caught up in bickering and BS online that we forget about what really matters. I hope we can use...

Video Scan: 11 Stocks to Watch for Day Traders and Swing Traders

Video Scan: 11 Stocks to Watch for Day Traders and Swing Traders

Welcome back to another Sunday Scan. We hope you all had a good holiday and weekend.  We're back to the normal format, with a review of stocks in play and then the main watches for the week ahead. Judah is joining this week to discuss a great trade on KOSS, which we...

Video Scan: Themes, Setups, and Concepts for 2024

Video Scan: Themes, Setups, and Concepts for 2024

Welcome back to another Sunday Scan. We have a slightly different format today, with Chris out of town for a wedding.  We are going to discuss a few timeless trading concepts, a few trade setups that are working, and a few key themes and trends for 2024. This week’s...

Video Scan: Stocks To Watch For June 24, 2024

Video Scan: Stocks To Watch For June 24, 2024

Hopefully everyone had a great weekend! We had some really nice moves in the market last week so we're going to go over some of the reasoning behind the moves and the way to think about them so you can anticipate upcoming trades and prepare ahead of time.  Stan is...

Video Scan: Stocks To Watch For June 17, 2024

Video Scan: Stocks To Watch For June 17, 2024

Welcome back to another Sunday Scan. Hopefully, you all had a relaxing weekend. T4AC early tickets went on sale for Project Impact members on Friday. On Tuesday, June 18th, at noon, the sale for early bird and regular tickets opens for everyone. It should be a great...

Video Scan: Stocks To Watch For June 10, 2024

Video Scan: Stocks To Watch For June 10, 2024

I hope everyone has had a good start to the summer months! I've been of the mindset that we're going to have a small cap summer and so far it's been pretty damn good. In fact, it's so good it's really screwing up my "I'm going to take it easy" plans lol. Friday is a...

Video Scan: Stocks To Watch For June 3, 2024

Video Scan: Stocks To Watch For June 3, 2024

Welcome back to another Sunday Scan. We’re going to cover what’s been happening in the market, review the names that were in play, and then go over our main watches. This week, Dawson joins us to share what he is watching for the week. He has been an active IU member...

Video Scan: Stocks To Watch For May 28, 2024

Video Scan: Stocks To Watch For May 28, 2024

Welcome back to another Video Scan. We had some good feedback on the format we’ve been trying, so we will continue to talk about what has been in play and then get into the main watches for the week ahead. Stan is back on the show this week to share his thoughts and...

Free Scan: Stocks To Watch For May 20, 2024

Free Scan: Stocks To Watch For May 20, 2024

Welcome back to another Sunday Scan. This week, Chris and Cody will recap recent moves and share some ideas for the week ahead. Tons of opportunities in the past week! We also put out some great content. Make sure to check out the latest episode of Trading Takes with...

Free Scan: Stocks To Watch For May 13, 2024

Free Scan: Stocks To Watch For May 13, 2024

Welcome back to another Sunday Scan. This week, we're going to review some of the most notable things in the market to help you get caught up on everything over the past week. Then, we will get into what we are watching for the upcoming week. Let’s get right into it....

Free Scan: Stocks To Watch For May 6, 2024

Free Scan: Stocks To Watch For May 6, 2024

Hey everyone, welcome back to another Sunday Scan. This week we have Chris, Cody, and Nick. Let's get to it. The market had a lot of data over the last few weeks between earnings, the FOMC, and jobs numbers. The market seems to be finding its footing and digesting,...

Free Scan: Stocks To Watch For April 29, 2024

Free Scan: Stocks To Watch For April 29, 2024

Hope everyone had a great weekend! Been a bit since I've done a Sunday video. Part of my 2024 goals was to change up my daily routine to a more balanced one and shift over to the priorities that are most important to me now. We've been showcasing some of the other...

Free Scan: Stocks To Watch For April 22, 2024

Free Scan: Stocks To Watch For April 22, 2024

Welcome to another Sunday Scan. This week we have Chris and Judah recapping the past week's action, discussing some general market insights, and sharing some watches for the week ahead. Video Scan and Game Plan Chris’ Take...

Free Scan: Stocks To Watch For April 15, 2024

Free Scan: Stocks To Watch For April 15, 2024

Welcome to another Sunday Scan with Chris and Stan. We have a lot of great topics to cover so let’s get right into it. Video Scan and Game Plan Chris's Market Thoughts Volatile week in the general market. We saw the shift...

Free Scan: Stocks To Watch For April 8, 2024

Free Scan: Stocks To Watch For April 8, 2024

Hopefully, everyone had a great weekend! This week we have Nate and Chris sharing some market insights and ideas for the week ahead. Nate's Market Thoughts and Trade Recaps It's been a bit of a different market in the sense that there is PLENTY of action just not as...