Day Trading Blog

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Free Scan Sunday: Stocks To Watch For Monday March 2, 2020

Free Scan Sunday: Stocks to Watch for Monday March 2, 2020

One of the most wild weeks I've ever seen. I thought TSLA was crazy and then this happened. I am hopeful commentary helped. LONG INTRO TO SCAN TO HOPEFULLY RELATE TO SOME WHO HAD TOUGH WEEK AND PROPS TO THOSE THAT HAD A GREAT WEEK. I'm not one to boast or say told you...

Week In Review: February 24-28, 2020

Week in Review: February 24-28, 2020

Remember all those things I said the last few weeks about things getting back to normal? Yea, craziness is right back! Really pay attention to your size in the next few weeks because even if you are right one minute it can be a disaster the next and vice versa.  ...

Free Scan Sunday: Stocks To Watch For Monday February 24, 2020

Free Scan Sunday: Stocks to Watch for Monday February 24, 2020

Wild week! What a timely video last week about being patient and not pre exhausting yourself! How many times did that come in handy this week? SPCE & SDGR among many others. That's called learning from your wins/losses and adapting on the fly. TSLA taught us that,...

Week In Review: February 18-21, 2020

Week in Review: February 18-21, 2020

Another short week this week but plenty of opportunity. A lot of traders focused all of their attention on SPCE and let it exhaust them trying to find tops/bottoms. There were great trades to be made in it but I didn't include it this week just to show while everyone...

Free Scan Sunday: Stocks To Watch For Tuesday February 18, 2020

Free Scan Sunday: Stocks to Watch for Tuesday February 18, 2020

Big congrats to all those who took the SPCE trade from prior Sunday scans. We discussed prior few scans the goal for $25-30 target on the swing. Although it only hit a high of $29.89 after hours and NOT $30 I'm still going to assume y'all did alright! Well done...

Week In Review: February 10-14, 2020

Week in Review: February 10-14, 2020

What an incredible week. Not the craziness of a few weeks ago but steady trends with a ton of range on several name that you could trade all the size you wanted easily. Starting with small positions and adding to winners was huge while also keeping risk relatively...

Free Scan Sunday: Stocks To Watch For Monday February 10, 2020

Free Scan Sunday: Stocks to Watch for Monday February 10, 2020

There has been a ton going on. Probably the first scan in a while where I am not gung ho on any particular names. There are definitely a lot of set ups but nothing that I would consider A+++ that I am READY, WAITING, STALKING for Monday. I've got a few watches in each...

Week In Review: February 3-7, 2020

Week in Review: February 3-7, 2020

This past week seemed to be somewhat of a return to normalcy after the last 4 weeks of absolute chaos. TSLA ate up a lot of mental capital this week on its run but there were still plenty of opportunity in other names. Trends seemed slower this week but longer...

Free Scan Sunday: Stocks To Watch For Monday February 3, 2020

Free Scan Sunday: Stocks to Watch for Monday February 3, 2020

Very good timing last Sunday to discuss what sector trades actually were, the importance of understanding that everything else related to the company takes a back seat -- until the momentum fizzles off. They build off one another and I missed a few prime examples of...

Week In Review: January 27-31, 2020

Week in Review: January 27-31, 2020

Another great week to close out the first month of 2020. This week had clean trends and multi-day runs. The Virus-related names gave great opportunities along with the all the normal setups we trade. Like last week there was more short plays then what has been the...

Free Scan Sunday: Stocks To Watch For Monday January 27, 2020

Free Scan Sunday: Stocks to Watch for Monday January 27, 2020

Really amazing week last week - putting what I talked about on Sunday scan to use A+ set ups, being patient and really didn't run into any hiccups. Caught a bunch of intraday offerings just by what we always talk about #KnowWhatYouOwn -- Surprisingly many held well...

Week In Review: January 21-24, 2020

Week in Review: January 21-24, 2020

It was a short week this week but definitely not short on trading setups. It seems like every week since I started doing this I always say how crazy the last week was and then when I write a new one it makes the last week seem tame in comparison. From news to...

Free Scan Sunday: Stocks To Watch For Tuesday January 21, 2020

Free Scan Sunday: Stocks to Watch for Tuesday January 21, 2020

Market continues to impress - trades are NOT going away. Been amazing. Tonight's focus on the video is: 1. When there is NOT an A+ set up - what do you do? Do you trade the open? Pre Market? etc. Does it take your focus from what MAY become an A+ set up shortly after...

Week In Review: January 13-17, 2020

Week in Review: January 13-17, 2020

I am not sure how to describe the market conditions. Incredible or insane are the only two words that come to mind. There are opportunities across the board for day and swing traders. We have a lot of members that are only able to trade for an hour or so each day and...