QUESTION: I know the last two nights were late since I had a ton of stuff but when do you normally look at scan? Can you leave a comment? I have been thinking about changing it to the morning to balance out a bit and one less thing to think about after kiddos going to bed etc.
RETO just like the old days -80%. They train everyone to short the bids and then squeeze them out. They train everyone buy the bids and then make them pay (nice thought on Thursday). HKIT obviously next, just a matter of time and does it go to $100 or $2 first lol. Anyway, I sold rest of HKIT today. Nice doubler + opp but obviously low conviction small size.
Swamped the last few days, we lost all our baby sitters, kids going back to school next week (Aidan = Pre K) Adalyn 2nd grade so things will get a bit more normalized.
This morning I felt a bit disorganized on the morning call – having the kiddos until 10 min before the call so my wife can take a walk too. Still worked out with ideas, but, definitely felt like underprepared.
I may have procrastinated for Saturday’s presentation so crammed yesterday then did some stuff with Zach and a few others for content. Tomorrow is meet up at night.
Gotta love when everything bottlenecks lol
MULN sick one today – twice I had size under .60s and knew I was leaving early so went ahead and sold .65s+ and then I get a text to look and it was .92 – damn it. Really nice long idea along with ELIQ today. UPST good fader.
Main Watches:
AMC ideally some mean reversion trade after this flushes out – honestly if it worked like MULN did today that’d be perfect. Gap down flush, flush again trap and rally hard.
ACHR higher better for unwind
NVAX higher better and fade sub $8 ideally
Failed Follow Through:
ELIQ nice idea toady – ideally .20-.30 shove the fade
BRSH morning shove and fade
UPST clean today from lean idea – watch w/ basket U PLTR IONQ etc.
APLD higher better for fade
HKIT I sold all today got a lil scared with RETO – so we know time is ticking, doesn’t mean I will make the trade. But, if it’s like RETO and gives an opp after it stays heavy I am interested.
PLAG breakout watch
RENB breakout watch
Staying Familiar:
around 8/9pm I tend to look at the scans.
I read the scan around 10pm every night
I usually read scan around 8-9pm pacific time.
10 pm is good for me. check in/ run over ideas before bed
Likewise, right before bed
Religiously for 12 yrs around midnight est
Around 11pm EST
Hey i look at everyday, being in Australia i read about 1am your time before each premarket.
Either after market close at 8pm est or 7am est
11-12pm EST
11pm-12am* EST before u correct me lol
I read instantly (usually) when I get notification via X. Then 10-12 pm refresh prior to sleep and another refresh in the am following day so the info is at top of mind. I know it’s challenging balancing life, family, friends, business but I personally prefer the prior days nighttime scans. That being said, I find nothing wrong with an early morning scan once in a while to keep the business / personal life balance in check.
8-10pm PST
I tend to read at 12am – 1am-ish (EST). Because it is my lunch time on day job =). I am 12 hours “ahead” from EST. 13 hours if DST ends – real struggle =(.
Every night at 10:30,
11-12 EST
I read from 1am 2am EST. Thanks.
8-9pm PST
In the morning is perfect fine. Stay’s even more fresh in your head „Just before market open“.
In my opinion, mid week session could be mid day sessio.
The last one was great,and refreshing during market open.
Right before bed 10:00 pm CST.
Between 10:00 – 11:00 pm CST.
In evening when I am reviewing my day and planning for the next.
Reading it every morning around 4 am nyc time. For me it’s 11am in Europe so it’s convenient.
3am EST
I usually read it an hour before premarket opens (based in Europe). It´s important that markets are closed when I prepare for the day. If sent out later (say 7-8am CST) the situation would be different because some premarket action is already ongoing. And broadcast would be only an hour away…
In the morning is best for me. I’m in Europe.
Morning is good for me.
During pre-market. Then I can also see if things are shaping up according to the analysis or in another direction. But I’m in Europe time zone fwiw.
I read scans early morning like 7am.
I read them between 6-6:30am. I would suggest putting it out in the morning and let people adjust from their current habit. Plus the scan will be accurate to a gap up or down. Whatever keeps you from burning out.
I always look in the morning. Usually bring it up while looking at the market.
I will typically look more in depth in the morning.
Between 9-10 pm
Usually at night when it comes out. But, do it in the morning if it lets you spend more time with family
10 pm est
Mornings work fine for me.
First thing in the morning.
5am EST During premarket
Mornings around 6 EST so I can have an overall look of yesterday’s and current pre market.
I usually review your scan list in the morning around 7:30 pm EST and compares with my own. Thanks for all you do.
my idea is do it last thing before you leave desk in the afternoon, I usually log back on at night to catch it but ideally it would be up earlier in the afternoon.
10-12pm est
Morning review works for me lately. I used to read religiously in the evening- but recently have found myself doing my own prep at night – and using your thoughts/comments in the morning
Early morning 06-07am
I am in Montana and prefer for my convenience an evening scan, but it is more important to me for you to have a manageable schedule. You don’t get time with kids back, once they are gone. So, I will contentedly live with whatever your decision is.