Okay start and then everything was sideways.
Honestly I was trying to get off desk hours before my appointment but WE and a few others kept me there and I covered pretty much same price as hours early lol
Smaller focus this AM felt like an old school summer market for sure.
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Main Watches:
TSHA nice big move AHs – great reminders today before the swipes etc. This was an example of everything I drive home over and over in one today SO that said – if you got smacked around go back and review the warning signs. Rather than get mad, blame someone for getting squeezed etc and having all these outside reasons why you were on the wrong side take a chill pill, review the discussion points all day and also late day — that stuff move VOIDED and why. Anyway – ideally gaps $3-3.20 + blow out and unwind is ideal.
IONQ higher better for back side – nice idea today.
PGY same thing as today again. Could see a nice unwind continue. Once it stabilizes cautious over focusing and just put price alerts for the next round.
Failed Follow Through:
GNS higher better for back side – nice levels today I think most who shorted covered EOD so I think we’ll get a pretty clean trade. Also a good one to review how that played out from Sunday video.
PENN higher better for back side.
AAOI continues to impress. Watch all dips for break out continuation still thinking $15-17 is logical for a blow off.
CSTL check daily chart here
BBGI nice set up forming on daily vs. $1.10
TTOO so far so good – same big picture plan for me with the reason why we went over: maxed out o/s etc.
PBTS watching to see if this stabilizes and if they support it with PRs into the vote that I went over today in lounge.
ETON nice idea last night – same today if it pulls .10-.15 and rally r/g
EVLO nice big picture daily break out chart
RENB watch if this liquid trap extends
PSHG all wicks getting absorbed
TOMZ dips for break out – nice set up
Staying Familiar: