Scan for 02/16/24 From Nate

by | Feb 15, 2024

For those who paid attention re: SMCI last 2 weeks on Sunday video 🙂

I explained to divide it out by 10 or 100 whatever you need to do to make it make sense to you but $3 to $6 move that consolidates makes sense if it hovers and consolidates around $8 and starts to break out you 100% would think $10-12 blow off move. This is basically what is happen and exact thought process we went.

I’ll put my thoughts for tomorrow below.

And by the way if you are NOT good at low floats you had NNOX home run off open – great plan you had CLSK fantastic twice today and nice way to end day on LYFT – YOU DO NOT NEED TO TRADE THINGS YOU ARE NOT COMORTABLE WITH

CHNR good heads up by Henry (for those who weren’t in lounge) posted his alert to buy which was at the lows, pretty insane. Even better short.

Things to review today:

JXJT call and comparison to MINM – I gave the MINM chart and pointed out the 9:08AM candle and JXJT ended up doing EXACT thing at 9:07AM. This is what I mean by reverse engineering.

My strength is a photographic memory in trading – but otherwise my memory sucks in comprehension LOL.

Much like the SMCI call and comparing to TSLA literally carbon copy. Once I see stuff I don’t forget.

Same as PLCE trade today. Carbon copy the LCID trade I gave you to review from a year ago.

No different than the HOLO idea related to HKIT in years past.

When I give you guys stuff to pull up, pull it up.

The examples are what I am expecting and how I plan to trade it. If it makes sense – great you have a trade, if not, great you shouldn’t be in the trade.

Soon I’ll be doing more IRA swings – finally been moving stuff around and transfer in progress as some investments turned over that I used the Roth and Traditional for.

Main Watches:

SMCI thought process is CALM DOWN – huge gap up flush off open I do not think it’ll be THE flush perhaps one more good shove squeeze out who knows could halt up but — I am thinking we get 2-3 halts down. I think $1050+ open possible $1100-1200 range then slam down sub $1000 sub $900 could flush to $750 due to circuit halt manipulation and thin tape before a circuit back up a few times towards $850-900 where it can settle. I would encourage you all go back and watch the SMCI discussions on the last two Sunday videos.

LYFT reactive trade – ideally one more gap then looking for a big fade opportunity.

CLSK good to me today but MARA was even better. COIN up AHs on e/r – should be plenty here. Will make the call outs as I did today.

Failed Follow Through:

BTAI as I’ve been saying last two days – this is everyone who positioned for a raise and when they delayed now they’re in trouble. Looking for a blow out move on rest of shorts and then fade fade fade. You do not need top on this one.

JXJT higher better for fader all day back

CHNR higher better for fader all day back

BMR any good shove for unwind lots of longs stuck now post squeeze

NNOX ideally morning shove and unwind


MGIH possible liq trap and circuits

ROMA possible 4AM mover if not watch dips if it keeps soaking

Staying Familiar:


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