OTC Watchlist 10/20/16

by | Oct 19, 2016

Just want to keep this going forever, pretty surreal trading lately..only losers are when I go to Nasdaq’s so just going to avoid altogether. Just some incredible $$$ volume and action out there that it is almost crazy if you arn’t at least testing the OTC waters and learning something through experience. Again, sooo many things out there I could put on this list that I want to cherry pick what I feel are the best setups.

SUNEQ – Just insane off scan last night, mentioned I had a feeling and took the risk being a buyer yesterday in the .08s and man, nice payday there selling most into .13 push…looking to see if that .10 supports and ramps from there.

CJESQ – One of the nicest charts you can get, doesn’t mean go crazy on it, but similar to BTUUQ before its nutty move from 1.70s I would love to get more around the .95 area, but going to base it all on the action tomorrow.

BTUUQ – Man o man, thought I had some great sells yesterday into the $3 rip, just incredible…nearly borrowed some to short late day but that will be the plan for tomorrow into a likely $4 push or higher.

CBIS- COMPLETELY AMAZING move, nothing I could have imagined, but after the .07 move figured a lil higher then big yank..was close would love to play the washout tomorrow and that is the plan.

MCIG – Sold it all yesterday, it is ETB but I will look to short into and parabolic action.

EXXIQ – Maybe a .25 double top on the short idea.

LNCOQ – Nice one here today on the .29s for the short. Expecting LINEQ to follow same pattern looking for maaaaybe .20 but these have been resilient movers. So take what you can get.

OPMZ – Still hanging up there, and on my radar for sure.



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