OddStockTrader Scan 7/31/2023

by | Jul 30, 2023

Markets have been, decent but calm the last few days on a general basis. The intraday moves are starting to heat up a bit though so some good traders. Sill amazing that TUP went .66 to $3.75. Talk about a goofed up trade on my part there. Happens though, and I really need to learn to just hold on to some for a potential longer term move vs. a few days. Anways, here is my list for tomorrow.

AMSC – Wild this ripped so hard Friday. I don’t know how much of this LK-99 stuff can be real or what but sounds like testing needs to be done. However, this was the only stock I could find with Superconductor stuff. Is what it is and I think if it holds $10 tomorrow could be fun.

YELL – Announced BK and some strange recent form 4s out there.  Def worth a watch for me tomorrow.

RGTI – Q Computer names still holding up well. Have several price alerts here.

IONQ – Could get skippy this week. Was about to do it until the market dumped hard Thursday. Continued watch for potential big parabolic days.

TUP – Could do anything tomorrow. They have held it up here well. Probably get a mid day filing on it and gets smashed. Can’t guess when but yea.

ASPI – Interesting one for Isotopes that was moving Friday. Have a swing on it.

SDC – Put on swing late day. Chart looking constructive.

RIVN – Main watch out the gate. I think they finally torch shorts and we have a huge move to the upside. I was dead wrong about puts for last week, happens though.

TTD – Might get some action after the moster ROKU earnings and move.

VPLM – Turd with some patent news on friday.



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