OddStockTrader Scan 6/2/2020

by | Jun 1, 2020

Hope everyone is enjoying the Free Monday scans. If you are interested in joining us at IU always feel free to reach out.

Market CONTINUES to be amazing if you are looking the right places and trading the right things. Everything seems to be cycling as far as money flow. Next idea after next idea are just working. Wanted to mention bitcoin and some trades for it tomorrow but then it smashed over $10,000 again so I need to change the plan there. Either way it is a big list today.

DKNG – I rarely short but this one gets my entire focus tomorrow. Main screen main idea. It can keep going but if it starts to show the action it did in Early may I will be all over it for the short and puts.

RIOT – Killer after hours on the Bitcoin move. I think possible $3 open and rush. I have been keeping it on radar for weeks and likely going to pay off for that reason. Maybe morning weakness near 2.60s. Will likely take the morning washout on it either way.

GBTC – likely gap and run here as well.

MARA – Same as above, never took off radar and big move after hours. Can be $1.50s tomorrow if Bitcoin just grinds higher on the day.

DPW –  Not really bitcoin per say anymore but the traders still go after it.

MGTI – Cheapie one.

CAN – Has been a MONSTER seller on this one. However, if they lift the offers on an up bitcoin day, it can easily do what it did in February. Will be ALL based on the action of the seller.

BCII – OTC fresh Bitcoin name.

RCL – Cruise lines all looking healthy here. Some fades after hours but I agree more with the call flow that went off today on all of them.

INPX – Big ripper after hours and luckly kept a small swing on it. Possible $2 open and rush. Likely a sell for me on that type of move.

MDRIQ – Big .10 breakout on the daily today. Held all its gains well intraday as well.

JCPNQ – Nice volume near the close. That .25 still the monster level.

FTRCQ – Working through the .10s

PLYZ – Super cheapie for fun.

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