OddStockTrader Scan 3/30/2023

by | Mar 29, 2023

Been a rough month for me but most of the time I have something big mid day I need to attend to. Have a few more until mid next week but then schedule clear. I think I tend to do scans when something really meaty starts to show up. That day was today. So, let’s see what I find meaty in the charts.

SIVBQ – A name that finally forced the OTC market to wake up. It may just do nothing but it may draw eyes to other names in the Q sector. I really have no clue if it will or not but this type of move is the best chance in years that something like that might happen. I have  small swing on this overnight. May just open and die but will be trading the action on it.

SBNY – Bit of a different situation here on this bank but essentially similar thoughts as above.

PRTYQ – Took a few today and will see if any momo happens. Had that insane squeeze before the Q got added so it’s likely the only one/best bet if Q momo happens.

REVRQ – Actually bought a Revlon hair dryer the other day so thats what made me recall this one is out there. Have a swing on it as well.

HYREQ – Just on radar with price alerts.

BBAI –  Looking to play that 2.20 breakout. Chart been holding the $2 level will and move to the upside can be fast if AI goes.

TRKA – Not sure what sent this one today but held after hours. Will monitor for morning washout.

BRDS – Looking to retest low .20s for a trade.

EVTL – Chart worth an eye.


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