Trade Reviews / How to Scan At Night / Q&A With Nate

by | Dec 14, 2020


  1. Thank you Nate

  2. Nate, the update on your work with long setups and how you’ve adapted to the current market was very helpful to me. I came into trading thinking that I was a short-seller. Now, it’s becoming more clear to me that being open minded and adaptable to changing markets and corresponding relevant setups is key to developing. Learning to adapt to markets that present great risk/reward opportunities in long positions not only expanded my profitable setups on the long side, it has dramatically increased my skills in my core short setups.

    I am interested to hear more about how you manage risk on individual trades. I’ve gathered that you don’t go into a trade with a hard dollar stop-out. You stay small sized and cut when the trade doesn’t resolve properly, and you scale in when it does. Do you have a numerical regiment for risk management, or are you simply at a point in your 17 year career that you intuitively know your exposure and adjust moment by moment according to markets and position?

    As always, thanks for the insane amount of work you and your posse put into this community!


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