Free Scan: Stocks To Watch For September 11, 2023

by | Sep 10, 2023

For those who watched last Sunday’s video, saw it on Twitter, or were in the chat room, you knew my idea about the marijuana sector. CGC has been the stand-out from the swing idea in the marijuana sector.

CGC MSOS TLRY were the other focus names for me, then added CRON Friday — watching ACB now too. The idea originally here:

OKAY SO – what’s the big announcement, eh?

Fine, I’ll give you a little colour on what it is …

My favourite broker has now expanded up North!

For YEARS I’ve always received messages “I can’t trade the same stuff you do because CenterPoint doesn’t offer Canadian accounts”

Well ……

After 3, 4, 5 years of “it’s coming” “soon soon soon we promise” it’s FINALLY HERE!

CenterPoint is expanding to the North! Clear Street CANADA has LAUNCHED!

We made a sign up page for EARLY ACCESS. Those who sign up for early access will receive information to open their account over the next week. Target is September 18th to accept account forms, but they’ll be slow rolling it out over the week to all those on the early access link we’ve provided.

We’ve had a partnership with CenterPoint since day one. It is the only place I trade besides my IRAs which are held at TD Ameritrade.

I’ve had many brokers, different clearing firms, etc., but what it comes down to for me is who is most consistent, who gets behind their clients (ie: they’re more than just an account number pushing buttons to collect fees), and who do I want to surround myself around?

I love the CP team, they’re always going to bat for their clients, listening to feedback, and staying a few steps ahead of the rest. Competition is and has always been good; it keeps prices competitive and keeps everyone on their toes, forcing new innovation.

As you’ve seen, CenterPoint continues to be a leader and innovator in the space a lot like Investors Underground. It’s not just about the next customer but rather about creating a relationship and most importantly the environment for long term success.

In other words, it’s not just about TODAY, we do this for TOMORROW.

If you’re interested in signing up, make sure to join the early access list.

Video Topics

  • Dialed & Focused
  • Pot Sector Worked!
  • Longs
  • Interviews?
  • Crowd & Patience
  • Channels
    • VERB
    • THTX
    • BIOC

Also, make sure to check out our latest trader interview if you haven’t already.

Video Scan and Game Plan

Stocks to Watch

AXLA catalyst Monday re: shareholder meeting and trying to approve a reverse split that only impacts outstanding not authorized – nice lil future dilution trick there – slide it under the long filing for the shareholder meeting and no one will notice. My goal Friday was that it would hold up for Monday but it came in after hours. We’ll see. Pretty good trap the .68 line that we discussed, mid .7x’s and then again .80-.82 late day before forcing those traders out EOD. Ideally strength and then interested after things settle down.

CBAY idea for Friday was trend join for ideally $2 move and we got exactly that before it retraced later in day after I had already left. Ideally 945-10AM+ trend join on this one.

FNGR ideally 52 week blow off and then profit taking – nothing to step in front just monitoring for the day it decides it’s going to fade. Think about how IONQ has had some serious unwind days like Thursday only to bounce back Friday. The thought here is taking advantage of unwind days and don’t over stay as it can bounce back with aggressive as you’ve seen.

AMC so far working to a tee – the volume still unlikely it’s absorbed the full amount of stock coming down but I am still of the mindset that once they are done selling paper Adam will promote the fact they were able to raise $X dollars and then it’ll pop for a small period of time on that before they file another. Keep in mind, at this point longs are down 99.9% so please do not continually fall for the same pipe dream they have and will fight you to the grave on.

Failed Follow Through:

BIOC this thing was oddly strong all day which leads to believe either 1.) they made all shorts cover and it gaps down big and back to $1 or 2.) we have a 4AM rip on air and screw all those they swung it. Now, yes I am not making a call or taking sides — I will see what happens Monday pre market and make a game plan from there. I covered $1.27-1.30s before I left Friday but I’d love to see $1.40-1.50 blow out the swing shorts on a trigger and then fade off. We’ll see.

VERB nice walk through on Friday – squeezed out early shorts and then gave the big squeeze out – very similar concept to ICCT short. Good one to review for the secondary squeeze out – don’t take yourself out of the running by being stubborn.

NIO higher better for back side


CGC TLRY CRON ACB etc – same thoughts as we went over. I need some pull backs to reload I have no TLRY left but looking to buy any major flush on CGC again — for now minimal left.

CRON started in Friday small

NVOS I guess I should have bought AXLA instead of NVOS – NVOS was only good for .10-.15 move not .60 + lol still have some NVOS left but only about 25% original was letting it work in case it built over .25s but it hasn’t yet. Over all good idea but not great compared to AXLA miss.

GCT Letting it run but not losing focus – ideally capture the day it blows out shorts and pulls the bid likely have $3-4-5 pull back day or more. Just don’t be $2-3-4-5 too early

DERM watching dips for

Staying Familiar:

1 Comment

  1. I would like to see an interview with Anthony Crudele

    Thank You
    member IU 3 years or more


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