Free Scan: Stocks To Watch For June 5, 2023

by | Jun 4, 2023

Patience was the key last week! There were definitely some good opportunities off open, but for me, waiting for trades I could be confident in on sizing many of the days took until noon-2PM many times. In fact, I think Wednesday it wasn’t until 2PM + that really all the trade opportunities came together.

My goal with Sunday videos is to continually go over concepts that you can use for the week ahead. My hope is that you can apply it to your trading as early as Monday and improve. I think it’s beneficial to go over the warning signs or set ups that made big moves so you can review and be better prepared next time. Most of these are discussions from Investors Underground real time as it happens. In the end I want everyone being able to see the same concepts that I spell out ahead of time.

Video Topics

  • UTRS discussion
  • MMV vs. ICAR
  • UCAR Traps (Dip & Rip) First Day – Warning Signs
  • Looking Left UCAR
  • NNOX AI VERU Bigger Picture

T-Shirt Winners

  • Bull Bear (YouTube)
  • Jason3818 (YouTube)
  • mrnajafij (Twitter) – Always great bullet point takeaways
  • @joekrupinski5 (Twitter)

Twitter Q&A

Questions answered in video below.

Video Scan and Game Plan

Stocks to Watch

FRZA wild one AHs, had a tweet right at 4:01PM suggesting not to miss the boat, get ready and stay tuned. We know how that works over the weekend with “excitement.” Anyway, goal would be to fade any blow off move 945-10AM + as long as it isn’t too trappy and shows failed follow through set up. Think back to all the retail run up trades that approvals are expected — the approval has already been priced in and many times fades off. So, keep that in mind if / when whatever ‘announcement’ comes could be used to fade since it’s already been priced in (potentially). Was a good r/r trade since relatively flat compared to close and had bids but went way further than I would have imagined I would have kept it all longer. Regardless probably some shorts got bent early and caused it to go higher than it otherwise would have.

NET higher better watching for the day we have a sell off in market and I will be focused here. That does not mean I am bearish — it’s just my focus name for when things come in (or take a day off). There are a lot of big charts you could pick from but I think it’s a good time to start putting together a bunch of names you like AMD TWLO etc names that may be over extended so that when and if the markets pull you’re prepared.

PLTR daily driver been a good one but once things slow down and head sideways best to move on.

CVNA been a great trader off open and then as it stabilizes best to leave it alone. It’s normal for names to go into a holding pattern – don’t get chopped up when things are sideways. It’s easy to do on names like CVNA because you get a big score off open and then want to go back and wait 1-2 hours for the trade to come … and never does.

TIO staying a main focus – all pops looking for potential unwind into low $2s or $1s soon. I do think this is on borrowed time and interested all big moves / strength. I’d be cautious hammering weakness and stepping in front adding etc. They’re good at clearing out the crowd.

Failed Follow Through:

MMV higher better for back side – likely gaps down but ideally $2.20-2.30 blow off then unwind. (Going to go over this on the video) from Friday.

UCAR morning shove ideal for back red to $6-7 eventually. Likely some possible buy ins Mon/Tues but we’ll see. Cautious if it ramps and should have stayed heavy but doesn’t.

MVIS higher better ideally trade like Friday again. No, it does not “need” to fade but when it does I’d like to be there for the .50-.70-.80 fade day.

UTRS higher better and fade is ideal – nice one Friday. Love these types so will be actively looking for them.

LVTX morning shove and unwind

WLDS looking for weakness vs. VWAP


QBTS been a good one lots of filings surrounding this but they didn’t fade it on them so far so we’ll see. Again it doubled and then some so anyone still long should have locked some in in my opinion. Ideally holds, ideally more PRs before doing whatever they plan to do but make a plan and stick to it, idea was under .70 not here just updating my thought process along the way if it stays heavy and doesn’t continue to get bid up I will bail on rest.

NNOX break out potential off weak opens like AI thoughts

Staying Familiar:


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