Cody Free Content

OddStockTrader Scan 8/28/2018

Had my worst day in over a year today. It really wasn't pretty and will try to get mentally ready for tomorrow. Main takeaways are, even if you are convinced on moves, do NOT EVER allow yourself to size into things when they are going against you. That is the only way...

OddStockTrader Scan 8/24/2018

Interesting day today few winners and losers but FEYE made up for all of it, sick on the calls early, was over a double for me on decent size so cheers to anyone else that took that trade. Just going to be watching more weed stocks tomorrow. Nothing crazy size yet as...

OddStockTrader Scan 8/21/2019

Well, that was one WILD day. CVSI trades just bonkers, ala FNMA FMCC style back in 2013. These types RARELY happen but are amazing when they do, hope everyone stayed safe or nailed it. Recorded a video of the live trades so should be on the site here somewhere. CVSI -...

OddStockTrader Scan 8/20/2018

Taking a look at even more than what I will be posting below but these are the best out of the TONS of things that I would be watching after their Friday moves. EMHTF - Looking to start a long term swing here, awesome basing action and weed will be a big theme...

OddStockTrader Scan For 8/16/2018

I gotta force myself to do these everyday, and maybe someone can get on my tail if I don't have one posted before like 9pm feel free to bug me on twitter if I don't have one up. Anyways, lets see what we got for tomorrow. Oh, and Props to T530 on that CGC...

OddStockTrader Scan July 31 2018

Hey Guys, LOOOONG TIME since a scan and that was because of new house and just everything that comes with it. Been crazy busy just about every single day and any day I get time to chill I do just that. Mostly everything major is done and plan on getting back into the...

OddStockTrader Scan 6/14/2018

Crazy fun day, and spent all last night doing some additional research and this will be a part of a new routine. TA has been 99% of my trading thus far but doing some actual FA gives me a much bigger edge in regards to not daytrading things I shouldn't really be...

OddStockTrader Scan 6/7/2018

Just wanted to do a quick scan tonight. Things have been insanely busy with me over the last few months. I fully planned on relaxing this summer unless something gave me an A+ style setup. As we all saw and with a few huge wins posted online today that was CVSI,...

OddStockTrader Scan 2/26/2018

Doing a little bit of a different watchlist today. I spend the entire weekend trying to find some of the close breakout theme ideas and I will quickly explain my though process for each sector and why It should be watched and then you can do some research on the...

OddStockTrader Scan 2/11/2018

What's up guys, Been a while. Ran through about 2000 OTC's today and wanted to just send of the lists of my favorites for next week. Hope everyone has a good rest of the weekend and a great Monday! ISOL - Looking to take a position on this monday. The Friday action is...

OddStockTrader Scan 11/28/2017

Whoa...whoa...ran out of BP today..rarely if ever happens to me...Just planning on holding just about everything I have for swing trades with this impressive day 1 on weed stocks and here they are.. No real gameplan other than swinging them. CYBER MONDAY DEALS...

OddStockTrader Scan 9/21/2017

Nice end to the day and quite a few things I am looking at for tomorrow. Fuel cells seem to be the main watch, something to keep an eye on after this run is anything that moves in the lithium sector as LIT as been on a tear but its mostly made up of the larger sector...

OddStockTrader OTC Scan for 8/14/2017

Going to be a quick day for me tomorrow as I have quite a bit going on before I have to head up to Oregon to watch the eclipse next week. Been looking forward to this trip for a while and should be a blast. With the addition of a new IU moderator I want to start to...

OddStockTrader Scan 6/29/2017

Oh, Hey its a Scan...I have finally had a decent moment after a close that I just let myself decompress and do nothing. So here is what I am looking at tomorrow. MGTI - Super Duper! Ethereum ramped hard today and this is the ONLY stock out there I know of related to...