Everyone should have received the email tonight for the free t-shirt !! Thanks to those who participated in the survey (I am told a ton of orders came in so I assume most read the email). Thank you all for your time!
FWBI what a gift today !! Ended up being my best trade. GDC clean as can be avoid the head ache EOD.
ICCT perfect game plan from video. Worked to a tee just didn’t get much size.
All broadcast watches this AM were A+
Less is more. Relaxed is better. Patience is key.
VERB solid action there but even better discussion – if you’re forcing/hyper focused a trade on 50/50 set up you’re either going to be right or really really wrong. You saw that play out in real time today right after the warning. I hope all stayed safe. If you weren’t – not to throw salt in the wounds but please review it, look at how many times you KNEW to be out but for whatever reason you didn’t pull the trigger on the exit. Finding the root of the issue is what’s going to fix it for next time. There is a certain feeling like “Oh I’ll wait and see I have a good entry at $1.8x’s + so I’ll let it test” …. Remember problem is if you’re right that takes time if you’re wrong it takes 2-3 minutes and that’s that, circuit to circuit. You did know all of this – those warnings were there and so was the timely 50/50 basically still a gamble trade. Writing was on wall. So, review it – when this happens again think about adjusting size.
Main Watches:
VERB could be 4AM ripper even with a weak after hours so there’s nothing to say “ugh I wish I did this or that” AHs — who cares. There will be a trade. Higher it goes the better and ideally use some of the levels from AHs and today for tomorrow. $1.65 was the level – trap trap trap so that worked out really well. Traded it well pre, tried again early on stopped and re hit it same spot and covered 1.65s as you guys saw on the chart. Should be great opportunity just wait for the set up and ideally wait for crowd to pass. More on broadcast.
IONQ Ideally over extension and fade.
FFIE watching like a hawk ideally keeps unwinding then has news or something that gaps up a lot lets shorts have their morning and squeeze them 30-40-50% one of these days before they drop an offering. We’ll see.
AMC nice off the weak open today reclaimed trend and made the $15 + potential from weak open r/g set up viable.
VFS ideally $1-2 more fade then $3-5 rebound
Failed Follow Through:
GDC morning shove and fail is ideal
ICCT doesn’t get much better than that!
FWBI higher better for back side – killer one today
NVOS what a swing. Locked a bunch toady re bought a bunch locked that and riding some of the core.
CXAI nice scan hit early never stopped. Watch weak open for r/g ramp
CGC nice idea today – locked most looking to re accumulate weakness this week slowly
TLRY sold most today – same as CGC
NVAX break out set up all weak opens
NBSE liq trap potential
NCMI big picture idea still going
LNZA possible break out
NAOV idea here was like TSHA so far its working – big picture
AFRM nice so far (ZM same idea if $74 builds)
Staying Familiar:
Thank you for the T-Shirt.