Scan for 07/19/18 From Nate

by | Jul 18, 2018

Getting on train back 8AM this AM I’ll be around this open

Will have limited screens again but back at it tomorrow.

AMRH morning push is ideal and potentially more fade through the day — if it stays green and grinds 10AM + would not mind joining a trend. Much like I had written in chat yesterday pay attention sub VWAP push + back side there is no reason to get aggressive trying to find a rebound watch all pops and risk towards VWAP for that fade. Same thing stands if it can’t find a bid today.

AKS big chart break coming worth an eye off dips mostly interested over $4.90-5+

DPW really matters what the rest do (MARA RIOT etc) if things stay hot then they can definitely come at this in a big way. Need to watch bitcoin with it.

RIOT been a while everyone loves to short this thing quickly so if it stays over $6 and ramps back definitely potential. Otherwise higher better watch for back side to come in vs. finding it and possible retrace.

MARA volume here is good. Powerful close so I’d want to see $1.10s hang out and then rally

ZFGN dips and $11 could get going $12 + near term

DFBG interesting that it’s held tough for me to go long w/o a PR or big vol

CCRC I keep watching this thing get destroyed and glad I haven’t touched it — will watch if it finally finds a bid up. I’d love to see it get absolutely clocked tho into low single digits for a really big trade

PED higher better and fade off again (if powerful morning) if $2.50 bases today it def can go back considering it squeezed many out and then unwound super quick.


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