Once again, it’s vacation week for kids — likely will be in/out during afternoons 1130AM+ so hopefully we have more days like today with big opportunities pre market and off open like today.
Main Watches:
AGBA clean move today off open for the fade and even better rally. Insane so far. Watch a hard flush vs $2.80s then possible $3.50-4-5 para on T+2
NIVF nice squeezer – great levels – use those again for tomorrow IMO. Ideally shove vs $2.50s
MARA CLSK RIOT nice traders today – strong recovery. I need to get better at long side here. My covers have been good but man do they ever extend on the long side.
ACB CGC notable recoveries thinking trade soon — maybe late week or next week on any over extension.
Failed Follow Through:
CZOO higher better for back side – nice one today
IBRX higher better for back side. Great trade from pre today.
VTNR nice on the big picture idea good to lock along way
MNDR I feel like they needed more shorts and flushed it AHs before swiping it back. Just goes to show still in control likely trying to bait more shorts – we’ll see. Tread carefully – you know the risk. If you don’t – avoid 100%.
Staying Familiar: