[PREP] Webinar Tonight 8PM EST! Post Questions

by | Aug 6, 2013

You know what time it is!

Webinarrrrrrrrrrrrrr 8PM EST!

Be in the chat room at 8PM EST I will have link like always

Post questions below – let’s discuss

First and foremost I want to discuss all these low floaters — how key the warnings are and what you need to ask youself BEFORE taking the trades …. imagine …. if you did an add add add on USU SPEX STXS SR etc … where would your account be?

We’ll talk about how and why I knew to warn/stay away from them … and what you need to do to continue to prevent to get squashed by the market IF (like me) you’re not comfortable chasing 50-150% type moves for another 50%


  1. Burning question: I’m sorry if this is a newbie question, but in what circumstances, if any, would you buy a stock pre-market considering it has a large gap up for the hopes of a pop at open. Example: DYNT, today – 8/6/13.

  2. Can you tell us about your trading history – when you started, how much you started with, how much you lost, how long it took you to become profitable, etc.? Did you have several mentors (veteran traders?) along the way? Thanks.


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